We talk to Professor Paul Springer, co-author of the Pioneers of Digital book, who talks about some of the common themes that emerged from their research. Episode 1 of the ‘Social Media Week: London Highlights’ series, in partnership with Smart Social Videos. 

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We managed to catch up with Sam Michel, the founder of Chinwag, who are the organisers behind Social Media Week in London, who told us London is the leading city for Social Media Week in September, bringing together creative’s, techies and corporates from all over the world.

We also spoke to Paul Springer, the co-author of Pioneers of Digital, a book which profiles 20 of the world’s leading digital innovators and reveals the inspiration behind their success. Some of the insights he shared included:

  • being relevant, not necessarily original, people have to get what you do
  • Don’t let technology dictate what you do, remember who your audience is
  • Make decisions in real-time, don’t try and pre-plan everything

Finally we managed to reach the Facebook Hub for their event, Facebook creative best practices and measuring success. They talked about the need to be creative with the content you post on your brand pages, ask yourself why would people care and why would they share. Also use the Facebook insights to your disposal and like anything don’t forget it is a learning curve, test, monitor the result, refine and test again.

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Sandeep Vadgama

Sandeep Vadgama


Editor at Fourth Source and Tech Enthusiast!